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This workbook provides practice questions for all of the statistical tests in AQA A Level Psychology.
It covers:
- Sign test
- Chi Squared
- Mann Whitney U
- Spearman’s Rho
- Wilcoxon
- Unrelated t-test
- Related t-test
- Pearson’s r
This workbook includes:
- Key information students need to know, including key terms such as probability and type 1/type 2 errors.
- A table of when to use/pick which statistical test
- Step by step instructions on how to calculate the sign test with an example to complete
- Explanation of what students need to do for the other statistical tests in the exam
- Example question for each of the other remaining eight statistical tests
- Answers for all questions
Based on 14 years teaching and examining experience
Created by a qualified specialist Psychology teacher
It contains a pdf of 24 sheets.
Statistical Tests Workbook Psychology AQA A Level